Saturday, May 26, 2012

My first blog mission: Solving the problem of too much stuff.

My first blog mission: Solving the problem of too much stuff.
 I am just so sick of all the stuff. I find myself so distracted by all the things that we have. The maintenance of keeping it picked up and keeping it cleaned. It actually depresses me. It inhibits me from being creative and I  feel it holds me back.  We currently live in a home that is much bigger than we need. We have two rooms we do not even really use except to house mounds of unused toys and crap we don't use. I have been going through all our stuff for the past few months due to an upcoming move. The thing is we have gotten rid of a lot of stuff but there is still so much more. How do you decide what toys stay or go? How do you decide what you love and what you don't? I am a sentimental girl and I am working on realizing that it is not the items that holds the memory. The memory is in my heart. I have lots of family furniture that I can not really part with(and don't want to) but it is time I get creative and make them functional in my life.
My family consist of 2 adults and 2 children. Rylee is 5 and Finn is 18months. Kids have lots of stuff and my 5 year olds get attached to things(Finn doesn't care as long as he has a couple of books and some trains, lol). I have to come up with a way to teach her not to hold on to everything. I also have to find a way to get grandparents to buy functional gifts and stop filling my house with junk.
We move in approximately 1 month and I hope to find ways to condense our stuff and make function of our home. I see this move as an opportunity to get it together.We will be down sizing significantly most likely going from a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 family/living spaces into a 2 bedroom apartment of duplex(their is a slight possibly of a 3 bedroom1 bath home, but slight). We have decided to downsize our living cost and will not be going over the budget we have set. We also are restricted to a specific area so that my daughter can go to kindergarten and the school that best suits her.
So, now I am on the mission to get organized and get rid of the clutter. Let the fun begin.

Blogging Begins

Over the past years, I have tried to blog before but always lost interest. I think mainly because I did not blog about  what was really important to me. I tried to blog about thing that were pertinent in my life at that time but not about what makes me and  the things that drive me. The idea behind this blog is to share the ways in which I aim to raise my children in a healthy plant-based, eco-friendly manner. The solutions that I have come up with to live well on a limited budget and the way I strive to re purpose the old instead of purchasing new. I also want share my creativity in hopes that it may inspire creativity in someone else. This blog will also at time serve as an outlet to share commentary on life as a full time mom and serve as a reference for my children in the future to know what our life was like and how I tried my hardest to raise the "wright".