Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Impact of Dance

Last night, I attended Rylee’s first dance recital. She did a tap dance and sang to the song “Good Ship Lollipop” the Shirley Temple classic. She was absolutely beautiful on stage and did a great performance. She grinned from ear to ear the whole time, and danced her heart out. She just loved being on stage and I was so proud of her. She would not practice at home much so, I did not really know what to expect when she got on stage. Honestly, I have to admit I was really dreading the whole thing. I did not want to sit through all the other dances just to see her on stage for 3 minutes but I was wrong. I actually really enjoyed it. The whole performance was very surreal and it was an all together impacting experience. It was as if you watched these girls grow up on stage before your eyes. The girls ages 3 to 21 moved across the stage from song to song very fluidly. As the music and costumes changed, it was as if that first set of little girls had transformed and grown right before you. This recital gave me a new perspective on how quickly time does go by and how quickly the years of Rylee’s childhood will pass. Before I know it Rylee will be all grown up and dancing on her own through life. My biggest hope at this time is that I find a way to insure Rylee retains that sweet, sparkling, smile of happiness and remains as confident in the rest of her life’s performances as she was on the stage for the first time.
***Lesson I learned from this experience: Sometimes all the money and craziness is worth it to see your child experience 3 minutes of pure happiness.