Friday, August 10, 2012

10 Years of Wedded Bliss, LOL.

Today, Jeremy and I celebrate 10 years of wedded Anyone who has been married knows it is not all bliss. It is actually quite difficult and making it 10 years without killing each other is definitely something to celebrate or at least take time to recognize as an accomplishment. Looking back we both have changed so much as individuals but have maintained our connection. I think that is one of the biggest struggles of getting married young is the fact that you do not really know who you are until you enter your 30's. I could not have asked for a better friend through it all than Jeremy has been. I am not saying he has always been perfect(despite what my family thinks). He has not always agreed with everything I have done but he has stood beside me through it not saying I told you so too often. Jeremy has been with me through my greatest losses and greatest joys. I think what is most important to acknowledge as I look back, is that the goods days out number the bad days and our happiness has outweighed the sadness. As a result of our time together, we have 2 healthy, beautiful, smart, and happy kids that make our life messy, crazy and wonderful. Our life together, so far has been an adventure and I hope it will continue to be.